Thursday, 30 May 2013

I panicked about the shoulder, neck, chest pain whatever it is.  My imagination ran away with me over the weekend and into Monday.  There was just no way it could be just muscle pain, or so I ended up convincing myself.  Cancer was eating me in a general way, just like it did my friend Don. I decided Sunday night that I would call The Dr. in the morning, which I did, early.  June listened to what at least to me was the voice of reason explain why I was calling and she assured me that she would speak to The Dr. and get back to me.  She returned the call promptly to tell me that The Dr. suggested that I go see my family Dr about the pain.  I was rather stunned at that.  Here I am, cancer and all that, and I am going to go work on a referral for muscle pain.  I did stay polite but firm that I was not going to go see my family Dr.  June told me that The Dr. had a big patient load, had to get to the Jewish later and that the day was not a good one but she would see what she could do.  At this point I really just wanted him to know about it, seeing him was not important.  She called back a few minutes later and told me to come in right away and he would find some time for me.  I waited for about an hour to see him once I got there.  He was so busy I felt awful about being there.  He went through my pain symptoms with me and had no conclusion save one.  The growth that was discovered a couple of months ago was not doing it.  I realized in an instant that I had let myself freak out about cancer.  It's not so surprising, really.  It won't happen again, hopefully.  I told him I would manage the pain on my own.  It is still nasty painful this evening but it's muscle pain, garden variety middle age muscle pain.

The Dr. told me that nothing is going to happen regarding the transplant application until the second CT scan is done sometime in July or August.  A full PFT (pulmonary function test) also has to be done for the application.  June called to tell me that both requests were made to the Lakeshore hospital and so I go back to waiting.  I have lots of repeats on my breathing meds and action plan antibiotics and two more tapered prednisone prescriptions ready when I need them. With a bit of luck I will not be seeing a Dr. for a month or two.  I finished the last day of prednisone yesterday.  The last couple of times I lasted two weeks before starting again.  I hope I do better this time.

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