Thursday, 9 May 2013

Yesterday, The DR. himself called me around lunchtime.  That was a first.  The call was in response to a message I had left a day or two earlier when I thought I had an chest infection starting that required I take my action plan antibiotics.  I was not sure if I should stop the daily 250 mg of azithromycin or not.  Taking antibiotics too often is not good, my symptoms were not severe, so I was fine waiting a day or two for good advice from The DR.  By the time we spoke I felt I probably did not need to start the action plan.  He agreed.  I told him about having already had the echo cardiogram that very morning and he seemed pleased.  Very reassuring to have The DR. take time to call me himself.  A small touch that reassures me a great deal.

I don`t feel right, my chest as best as I can describe it, feels warm but everything else is ok.  Tomorrow Nicole has an appointment with our family Dr.  Whenever either of us have an appointment with her the other ends up having one, too. She has been our family Dr. for about 13 years, since Nicole`s stroke rehab people lined us up with her.  We love her.  Lately my stories have been interesting.  Little things like lung transplant.  She hasn`t heard about cancer yet.  We normally laugh our collective asses off during a consultation.  Friday will be fun, at least.

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